Category Archives: Nature

I have seen the light

As I sat down to business, the first thought that struck me was that anybody could just wander by and watch me sitting on the toilet. Now, whilst the toilet was a standard European model (a la Franca I have heard them called), its setting was somewhat unusual.

Loo View

The View from the Loo

Right in the middle of the African bush. You’re thinking c‘mon, you don’t get sit down ceramic toilets in the middle of the bush, right? Wrong! You do. I took this photo whilst sitting on one. Honestly!  OK, it wasn’t plumbed into anything, but an ingenious large bag acting as an overhead tank ensured that it was designed to flush. (It didn’t, but that’s another story.) Anyway, the second thought that crossed my tiny brain as I sat there pondering life, was that we hadn’t actually seen a single living soul for over 24 hours now. The chances of me being discovered doing what comes naturally were pretty slim.

With that comfort in mind I sat back, relaxed and admired the view. And what a view! Sadly my camera doesn’t do it justice, but even allowing for these limitations you have to admit it’s more interesting than your day to day loo view.   Continue reading

Cultural Conundrums #1

In Istanbul, a huge land reclamation project is nearing completion. A section of the Marmara Sea is being replaced by a park. I crossed a six-lane highway to take a look. After the highway are a pavement and a sliproad and then a café. I walked around the back of the café. There were people sitting, under sunshades, enjoying the view. It comprised a large green area, trees, and beyond that the sea. I was very confused. Why?  Continue reading