I have seen the light

As I sat down to business, the first thought that struck me was that anybody could just wander by and watch me sitting on the toilet. Now, whilst the toilet was a standard European model (a la Franca I have heard them called), its setting was somewhat unusual.

Loo View

The View from the Loo

Right in the middle of the African bush. You’re thinking c‘mon, you don’t get sit down ceramic toilets in the middle of the bush, right? Wrong! You do. I took this photo whilst sitting on one. Honestly!  OK, it wasn’t plumbed into anything, but an ingenious large bag acting as an overhead tank ensured that it was designed to flush. (It didn’t, but that’s another story.) Anyway, the second thought that crossed my tiny brain as I sat there pondering life, was that we hadn’t actually seen a single living soul for over 24 hours now. The chances of me being discovered doing what comes naturally were pretty slim.

With that comfort in mind I sat back, relaxed and admired the view. And what a view! Sadly my camera doesn’t do it justice, but even allowing for these limitations you have to admit it’s more interesting than your day to day loo view.  The thing that struck me more than anything was something you can’t actually see. It was the light. It’s different to European light. Everything I looked at was sharper, more keenly focused – much the same effect as putting in contact lenses that are the correct prescription instead of one point off (it’s my excuse for missing that goal and I’m sticking to it).

So, did I have any problem performing on Nature’s magnificent stage?
Not once I saw the rhino.

P.S. – House Sitting What’s all this got to do with house-sitting you may ask? It’s a fair question, even the less observant among you have surely by now noted the conspicuous absence of house in this story. Toilets! Yes, that’s the answer. We were house-sitting in the UK earlier in the year and the owners had helpfully supplied reading material along with the traditional necessities. Included was a book about toilets with unusual views and of course I had to hunt through for my own favourite. Fortunately it wasn’t included. I say ‘fortunately’ because:

a) it allows for a follow-up book (you can’t get enough of a good thing, can you?) and

b) it allows me to show you something that even the well-researched have yet to see.

Maybe we can make a book together! Have you got any poo view news?

5 thoughts on “I have seen the light

  1. Nonny Mouse

    This reminds me of another ‘loo with a view’ – only this time, to my deep dismay, followed by deep relief, my companions had discreetly lined up with their backs to me when we simultaneously discovered that the en suite facilities in the holiday bungalow featured a large see-through glass window into the sitting room! This, in turn, faced another large window to the grounds outside. I’m all for home entertainment but on this occasion I was not ‘flushed with success’ to find myself the star turn. Luckily the rest of the camp site was empty at the time. Hopefully, once the holiday season got going in earnest, the owners of the site would be able to afford a modest window blind at the very least.
    To spare my blushes I’m not going to sign this!


  2. Nonny Mouse

    I’m not obsessed with toilets – honestly! but have just been reminded of a photograph which was taken whilst on holiday in Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire, UK. The sign referred to car parking but was rather unfortunately positioned and consequently kept my daughter and me chuckling away for ages. We wondered if it was aimed at the more extrovert members of public who stop to use the facilities.


  3. Nonny Mouse

    In the absence of a photograph, how about a Word Picture?

    There’s an attractive little town in Wiltshire (Bradford-on-Avon, if you must know) where the public car parking facilities include a row of individual, coin operated, toilet cubicles. Due to the elevated position of these toilets there are safety railings in front. Someone, in the interests of economy perhaps, has decided that these railings are an ideal spot for the following notice:-

    3hrs maximum stay
    No return within 3hrs.

    The unfortunate positioning kept my daughter and me chuckling away for ages. We wondered if it was aimed at the more extrovert members of the public who stop to use the facilities?



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